Lecture3 Kernel-Based Data Parallel Execution Model
- Muti-dimensional logical organization of CUDA threads
- Use control structures, such as loops in a kernel
- Concepts of thread scheduling, latency tolerance, and hardware occupancy
Example 1 : 1D VecAdd
Thread Assgiment
- N = 1000, block size = 256
- One element per thread
// one element per thread
__global__ void vecAdd(float *A, float* B, float* C, int n) {
int i = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
if (i < n)
C[i] = A[i] + B[i];
dim3 dimGrid(std::ceil(n / 256), 1, 1);
dim3 dimBlock(256, 1, 1);
vecAdd<<<dimGrid, dimBlock>>>(A, B, C, n); // device variables
Coarser grains : two elements per thread
// Coarser Grains : two element per thread
int i = blockIdx.x * (2 * blockDim.x) + threadIdx.x;
if (i < n)
C[i] = A[i] + B[i];
i += blockDim.x;
if (i < n)
C[i] = A[i] + B[i];
Example 2 : Color Image to gray Image
Convert color image to a gray-scale image
Row-major layout of 2D arrays in C/C++
RGBtoGrayImage Kernel
// RGB2gray
__global__ void RGB2gray(unsigned char* grayImage, unsigned char* rgbImage, int Width, int Height) {
int Col = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threaIdx.x;
int Row = blockIdx.y * blockDim.y + threaIdx.y;
if (Row < Height && Col < Width) {
int grayOffset = Row * Width + Col;
int rgbOffset = 3 * grayoffset;
unsigned char r = rgbImage[rgbOffset];
unsigned char g = rgbImage[rgbOffset + 1];
unsigned char b = rgbImage[rgbOffset + 2];
grayImage[grayOffset] = 0.21f * r + 0.71f * g + 0.07f * b;
Example 3 : Image Blurring
Each output is the average of pixels around it (BLUR_SIZE = 1) ![](vx_images/502844016231991.png =500x)
Image Blur Kernel
// Imgae Blur
#define BLUR_SIZE 1
__global__ void(unsigned char* in, unsigned char* out, int width, int height) {
int col = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threaIdx.x;
int row = blockIdx.y * blockDim.y + threaIdx.y;
if (row < height && col < width) {
int pixVal = 0;
int pixels = 0;
// Get the average of the surrounding BLUR_SIZE x BLUR_SIZE box
for (int blurRow = - BLUR_SIZE; i <= BLUR_SIZE; blurRow++) {
for (int blurCol = - BLUR_SIZE; i <= BLUR_SIZE; blurCol++) {
int curRow = row + blurRow;
int curCol = col + blurCol;
// Verify we have a valid image pixel
if (curRow >= 0 && curRow < height && curCol >= 0 && curCol < Width) {
pixVal += in[curRow * Width + curCol];