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3 Linear Maps

3.B Null Spaces and Ranges

NullSpace And Injectivity

We begin with the set of vectors that get mapped to 0.

3.12 Definition nullsapce, null TT

For TL(V,W)T\in \mathcal{L}(V, W), the null space of T,

null T={vV:Tv=0}\text{null}\ T = \{v\in V : Tv = 0\}

3.14 Theorem The null space is a subspace

For TL(V,W)T\in \mathcal{L}(V, W). Then null T\text{null}\ T is a subspace of VV.

3.15 Definition Injective

A function T:VWT: V \rightarrow W is call injective if Tu=TvTu=Tv implies u=vu=v.

  • TT is injective if uvu\not ={v} implies TuTvTu\not =Tv
  • TT is injective if it maps distinct inputs to distinct outputs
  • one-to-one equals injective

3.16 Theorem Injectivity is quivalent to nullspace equals {0}\{0\}

For TL(V,W)T\in \mathcal{L}(V, W). Then TT is injective if and only if null T={0}\text{null}\ T = \{0\}.

Thus we can check whether a linear map is injective by checking whether 0 is the only vector that mapped to 0 by 3.16.

Range and Surjectivity

We give a name to the set of output vectors of a function.

3.17 Definition range

For TL(V,W)T\in \mathcal{L}(V, W), the range of TT,

range T=Tv:vV\text{range}\ T = {Tv:v\in V}
  • image euqals to range.

3.19 Theorem The range is a subspace

For TL(V,W)T\in \mathcal{L}(V, W). Then range T\text{range}\ T is a subspace of WW.

3.15 Definition Surjective

A function T:VWT: V \rightarrow W is call surjective if range T=W\text{range}\ T = W

  • onto equals injective

Fundamental Theorem of Linear Maps

3.22 Theorem Fundamental Theorem of Linear Maps

Suppose VV is finite-dimensional and TL(V,W)T\in \mathcal{L}(V, W). Then range T\text{range}\ T is finite-dimensional and

dim V=dim null T+dim range T\text{dim}\ V = \text{dim}\ \text{null}\ T + \text{dim}\ \text{range}\ T

3.23 A map to a smaller dimensional space is not injective

Suppose VV and WW are finite-dimensional vector spaces such that dim V>dim W\text{dim}\ V > \text{dim}\ W. Then no linear map from VV to WW is injective.

3.24 A map to a larger dimensional space is not surjective

Suppose VV and WW are finite-dimensional vector spaces such that dim V<dim W\text{dim}\ V < \text{dim}\ W. Then no linear map from VV to WW is surjective.


homogeneous system of linear equations

Let Aj,kFA_{j,k} \in \bold{F} for j=1,...,mj = 1,...,m and k=1,...,nk=1,...,n. Consider the homogeneous system of linear equations

k=1nA1,kxk=0k=1nAm,kxk=0\sum_{k=1}^nA_{1,k}x_k = 0 \\ \vdots \\ \sum_{k=1}^nA_{m,k}x_k = 0

x1==xnx_1=···=x_n is a solution. Question: Whether any other solutions exist?

Define T:FnFmT:\bold{F}^n \rightarrow \bold{F}^m by

T(x1,...,xn)=(k=1nA1,kxk,...,k=1nAm,kxk)T(x_1, ..., x_n) = (\sum_{k=1}^nA_{1,k}x_k, ..., \sum_{k=1}^nA_{m,k}x_k)

When null T>0\text{null}\ T > 0, we have nonezero solutions. By 3.16, we have TT is not injective.

  • Rephrase question: What condition ensures that TT is not injective?
  • Answer: By 3.22, if n>mn > m, then TT is not injective.

Inhomogeneous system of linear equations

Let Aj,kFA_{j,k} \in \bold{F} for j=1,...,mj = 1,...,m and k=1,...,nk=1,...,n. For c1,...,cmFc_1,...,c_m \in \bold{F},

k=1nA1,kxk=c1k=1nAm,kxk=cm\sum_{k=1}^nA_{1,k}x_k = c_1 \\ \vdots \\ \sum_{k=1}^nA_{m,k}x_k = c_m

Question: Whether this is some choice of c1,...,cmFc_1,..., c_m \in \bold{F} such that no solution exists.

Define T:FnFmT:\bold{F}^n \rightarrow \bold{F}^m by

T(x1,...,xn)=(k=1nA1,kxk,...,k=1nAm,kxk)T(x_1, ..., x_n) = (\sum_{k=1}^nA_{1,k}x_k, ..., \sum_{k=1}^nA_{m,k}x_k)

We want range TFm\text{range}\ T\not= \bold{F}^m, it means TT is not surjective.

  • Rephrase question: What condition ensures that TT is not surjective?
  • Answer: By 3.22, if n<mn < m, then TT is not surjective.